Authorisation of Services

Commercial General Authorisation to provide Electronic Communications Networks and/or Services

In accordance with the provisions of the Electronic Communications (Regulations) Act and the Electronic Communications Networks and Services (General) Regulations, a Commercial General Authorisation is required for the provision of electronic communications services (and networks, where relevant).

A commercial general authorisation does not automatically entitle any undertaking to, and does not exempt it from , the obligation to obtain and/or notify for and comply with, any permit, licence, right of use , or other general authorisation in respect of numbering resources, equipment, or radio spectrum , and/or other approval or authorisation however so described , that may be necessary at law to construct, operate and maintain the network and, or services.

  • Register of Authorised Undertakings providing Electronic Communications Services

The Register of Authorised Undertakings is published in accordance with Regulation 10 of the Electronic Communications Network & Services (General) Regulations. The Register lists the name of each undertaking, its administrative details, and the category of General Authorisation that it has notified the MCA.

  • Notification Form for a GA to provide Electronic Communications

Any Undertaking who provides in Malta, or intends to provide in Malta, an electronic communications service (and network if relevant) is required to formally notify the MCA on the official Notification Form.

  • New Notifications

A new undertaking is encouraged to contact the Malta Communications Authority in order to facilitate the process and obtain guidance before submitting a notification for a commercial general authorisation.

In order for a Notification Form to be accepted, it must be completed correctly in line with the relevant instructions, and be accompanied by all required documentation.

  • Notification of Cessation, Updates or Changes by Existing Providers

Any update, or change to the information previously notified to the MCA must be revised by completing Form C in the above notification form.

Cessation of the services previously notified to the MCA must be notified by completing Form B in the above notification form.

  • Conditions of Authorisation

Upon complete notification, undertakings become subject to the conditions of authorisation (which may include, amongst others, the payment of administrative fees) that emanate from Law and from relevant Decisions that are published by the MCA.  Notifying persons should seek independent legal advice prior to submitting a notification.  The Authority makes every effort to maintain updated information on the regulatory framework available on its website.

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