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Update to the Register of Authorised Undertakings providing Postal Services in Malta

Published On: Jul 26th 2024
Under the Postal Service Act (Cap. 254 of the Laws of Malta), a licence is required to provide postal services within the scope of the universal service. Postal Services outside the scope of the universal services requ...

Update to the Register of Authorised Undertakings providing Electronic Communications Networks and/or Services in Malta

Published On: May 24th 2024
In accordance with the provisions of the Electronic Communications (Regulations) Act and the Electronic Communications Networks and Services (General) Regulations, a General Authorisation is required for the provision ...

Telecoms Authorisations

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Information for providers of commercial electronic communications services and networks, as well as information to the public on operating radiocommunications equipment.


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The national numbering plan provides a stable framework for the development of communications.

Markets and Competition

Link to Markets and Competition. White TV, mobile and laptop icons on purple background Read More

Information about markets and regulatory activities - markets information, regulated markets, compliance and enforcement.

Sustaining Telecoms

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Information about the underlying regulatory tools which ensure that electronic communication services meet end-user demands and expectations.


Spectrum Read More

Spectrum management includes spectrum monitoring, spectrum planning and allocations, coordination, licencing and enforcement.

Trust Services & eID

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Electronic trust services guarantee secure and legally valid election transactions.

Postal Authorisations

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Information for those intending to provide a postal service and details about postal operators who are already authorised.

Sustaining Post

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Information about the underlying regulatory tools which ensure that postal services meet end-user demands and expectations.

Web Accessibility Directive

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The European Commission’s Web Accessibility Directive helps ensure the Internet is accessible and inclusive for everyone.