Showing Publications For : Market Review, Market Commentary, Data Report Sheet, End User Half Yearly Report

Published On: Jul 24th 2006 Market Review

This report provides a general overview of the industry's performance during the six months ending 31 March 2006, including an analysis of the main trends and developments in the various sectors of the Maltese electronic communications market.  ...

Published On: Dec 29th 2005 Market Review

The report gives an overview of the trends in local mobile telephony services, fixed telephony, Internet (broadband and narrowband) and cable television markets.  ...

Published On: Jul 27th 2005 Market Review

The report provides an overview of the trends in the local mobile and fixed telephony services, Internet and Cable Television markets. The report also features an analysis of the contribution of the communications industry to the Maltese economy.  ...

Published On: Dec 22nd 2004 Market Review

The report gives an overview of the trends in local mobile telephony services, fixed telephony, Internet (broadband and narrowband) and cable television markets.  ...

Published On: Oct 8th 2004 Market Review

The purpose of this document is to inform stakeholders on the MCA’s envisaged methodology for the carrying out of market reviews as required under the new regulatory framework. ...

Published On: Jun 18th 2004 Market Review

The report gives an overview of the trends in local mobile services, fixed telephony, Internet and cable television markets. The report features new sections that highlight the contribution of the communications industry to the economy.  ...
