Showing Publications For : Decision

Published On: Feb 26th 2016 Decision

The MCA is today publishing its decision through which access seekers may be granted access to GO's Fibre-to-the-Home network.

Published On: Feb 24th 2016 Decision

This Decision amends Decisions 3 and 4 of the Decision on the Wholesale Access to Data and the Provision of Publicly Available Directory Information Services.

Published On: Jan 4th 2016 Decision

The MCA is publishing the decision on the review of GO plc’s application for funding of the net costs claimed to have been incurred to provide universal service obligations during 2012.

Published On: Dec 2nd 2015 Decision

The Malta Communications Authority is hereby presenting its final decision on the markets for wholesale voice call termination on individual public telephone networks provided at a fixed location in Malta.

Published On: May 12th 2015 Decision

The MCA is publishing its decision on Universal Service Obligations on Electronic Communication Services including fixed telephone line, directory enquiry services and directories, public payphones, measures for disabled users and control of expenditure.

Published On: Apr 22nd 2015 Decision

The MCA is publishing a decisioin on the collation and sharing of personal subscriber data for the purposes of providing telephone directory information services.
