Showing Publications For : Decision

Published On: Oct 9th 2017 Decision

The availability of adequate spectrum is critical to the deployment of mobile technologies particularly with respect to high-speed wireless data connections that enable the deployment of innovative services.  Such developments have a direct effect on the quality of life of the citizens both in terms of bridging th...

Published On: May 24th 2017 Decision

The MCA is hereby publishing the Decision document which established the assignment and management process for the 1.5GHz band.

Published On: Feb 23rd 2017 Decision

The MCA published a decision on the Source of Funding for the net cost incurred in providing universal service obligations during 2013.

Published On: Feb 13th 2017 Decision

Review of the framework for the grant of right of use of radio spectrum for test and trial purposes.

Published On: Jan 23rd 2017 Decision

The MCA Final Decision on the markets for the provision of high-quality access and connectivity services provided at a fixed location in Malta.
