Showing Publications For : Decision

Published On: Aug 21st 2023 Decision

The Malta Communications Authority is publishing a response to consultation and decision notice regarding revisions to specific postal service characteristics and tariffs. ...

Published On: May 19th 2023 Decision

MCA decision regarding proposal to extend the consultation period for the document titled "MCA analysis of the market for the provision of wholesale physical and virtual infrastructure access in Malta'.

Published On: Apr 28th 2023 Decision

The MCA is publishing a decision redefining certain universal service obligations on electronic communications services following the transposition of the European Electronic Communications Code into national law.

Published On: Mar 3rd 2023 Decision

Review of 'Must Carry' Obligations - Response to Consultation and Decision Notice

Published On: Feb 22nd 2023 Decision

This ‘Decision Notice’ establishes a set of rules on contracts, transparency and termination of services to be complied with by electronic communications service (‘ECS’) providers which are intended to enhance end-user protection.

Published On: Dec 23rd 2022 Decision

The Malta Communications Authority (MCA) is hereby publishing its decision concerning the definition and competitive assessment of the wholesale market concerning the provision of dedicated capacity in Malta.
