Downloadable eForms

The below list of eForms comprise the major forms in use by the Malta Communications Authority at present. They cover the areas of remit under the MCA and are used to apply or adjust all the services and products that the MCA regulates. 

Note that you can send these forms electronically via email or via post as is most convenient. Most forms have been email enabled thus you will be able to send the form directly from your PDF application - please make sure you open these forms in your PDF application rather than directly from your Internet browser since your Internet browser security settings may block the "Send via email" option within the form.

We are continuously updating the forms' functionality and content thus you are encouraged to access this area of the MCA website on a frequent basis to make use of the latest updated forms.

List of eForms:


Complaint Form - English Version
Complaint Form - Maltese Version

Electronic Communications Networks and/or Services

Commercial GA to provide electronic communications networks and/or services


GR1 Form ECS Template
GR1 Form Postal Template
GR2E Form
GR2P Form


Form to obtain an individual Licence and Authorisation to provide Postal Services both within and outside the scope of the Universal Service
Notification form for a GA to solely provide Postal Services outside the scope of the Universal Service

Technical and Licensing

Application for a Radio Link Licence (MCA/10/23)
Application to change the status of licensed radio frequency for radio links (MCA/10/24)
Application for an Amateur Radio Licence (MCA/F/11-0338)
Application for the licensing of radiocommunications apparatus operating in the mobile or land mobile service within the frequency range 47-470 MHz (MCA/F/11-0157)
Application for a Maritime Coast Radio Station License (for use from shore to ship) (MCA/F/11-0573)
Application for a Satellite Earth Station Licence (MCA/F/11-0365)
Application for an Aircraft Radio Station Licence (MCA/F/11-0575)
Application for an Aeronautical Ground Station Radiocommunications Licence (MCA/F/11-0574)
Application for licensing of Broadcasting Apparatus (MCA/F/11-0578)
Application for a Licence to install or use non-specific radiocommunications apparatus (MCA/F/11-0579)
Formal Request for Spectrum Assignment for the Provision of Electronic Communications Networks and/or Services (MA/F/12-0756)
Notification of Sale: Maritime Radiocommunications (MCA/10/57/F)
Notification form to add or reduce radio links licensed under a nationwide license (MCA/10/25)
Notification to indicate the intention of installing or the installation and brining into use of radiocommunications apparatus comprised in a wireless electronic communications network (MCA/F/11-0581)
Notification for the purpose of installing/using satellite earth terminals operating in accordance with the 21st and 23rd Schedules of the General Authorisations (Radiocommunications Apparatus) Regulations (MCA/F/12-1210)
Request to Cancel an Individual Radiocommunications Licence (Declaration) - (MCA/10/60/F)
Test and Trial Licence Application (MCA/F/21-4310)

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