The Malta Communications Authority (MCA) is hereby publishing its final decision concerning the postal markets in Malta. This Decision identifies the relevant postal markets in Malta and presents the findings on the state of competition in these markets. This Decision also outlines the MCA’s ex ante regulatory ap...

Following a formal request by MaltaPost to review the Domestic Single-Piece and Bulk Mail tariffs, the Malta Communications Authority (MCA) reviewed this proposal and issued a Consultation document on the proposed way forward. The Consultation period ended on the 15th May 2019, and the MCA is publishing its Decisio...

The MCA is today publishing its Decision that a PAFS provider that uses its delivery network to distribute postal articles to its customers in Malta constitutes a postal service falling outside the scope of the universal postal service. In line with the Postal Services Act, Chapter 254 of the Laws of Malta a genera...

Following the publication of the Legal Notice amending the Postal Services (General) Regulations (S.L. 254.01 of the Laws of Malta), the Decision Notice issued by the MCA today establishes the regulatory conditions which are to be met by MaltaPost as the Universal Service Provider before the amended regulations bec...

The purpose of these amendments is to update references to applicable legislation, to do away with or amend provisions which are no longer applicable or which need to be updated to reflect changes in the law notably as a result of the administrative charges as reflected in the First Schedule of Postal Services (Gen...

The MCA is publishing its Decision on the Quality of Service (QoS) performance targets to be achieved by MaltaPost Plc for the universal postal service as from 1st October 2016. Dowload Document [1]  [1] ...
