Virtual Unbundled Access to Fibre-to-the-Home. Response to Consultation and Decision

The MCA is today publishing its decision through which access seekers may be granted access to GO's Fibre-to-the-Home (FTTH) network. 

Following the national consultation process and the notification to the EU Commission carried out during 2015, the MCA is today publishing its response to consultation and decision outlining the way that GO needs to implement its obligation to provide Virtual unbundled access to the FTTH network. 
This decision sets out the:
  • technical parameters upon which GO is to offer wholesale access through the publication of a VULA Reference Offer;
  • the methodology underlying the ER Model upon which GO is to set the wholesale VULA Charges; and
  • the compliance mechanism through which the MCA will ensure that GO abides by its obligations in relation to the setting of the VULA charges.

View Decision Notice

MCA Reference: MCA/D/16-2513
Consultation: MCA/C/15-2241

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