Consultation and Proposed Decision on GO plc's application for funding relating to universal service obligations on electronic communications services during 2017

In accordance with national law, an undertaking designated with the obligation to provide universal services has the right to request compensation for the net costs it considers to have incurred to provide part or all of the universal services. The MCA received an application from GO plc, as the designated undertaking, for the funding of the net costs it claimed to have incurred in providing universal services during the financial year 2017. The MCA has commissioned Ernst & Young Limited (EY) as an independent body to audit and verify the application received. Following the audit carried out by EY, it emerged that GO plc has suffered an element of unfair burden for providing the following universal services, namely, public payphones, comprehensive electronic directory and social tariffs. In its claim, GO plc also included intangible benefits resulting from providing universal services and, after deducting such benefits from the burden incurred, the total net costs amounted to €76,659. The consultation period shall run from the 2 September to the 27 September 2021.

Regulatory Type: 
Electronic Communications

MCA Reference: 
Closing Date: 
Monday, September 27, 2021

Related Decision:
Review of GO plc's application for funding of the net cost claimed to have been incurred to provide universal service obligations during 2017, Decision Notice