The MCA in educational slots on RTK Radio

A recent meeting held between the Chairman of the Malta Communications Authority, MCA, and the Station Manager of RTK Radio, Karl Wright, made way for an exchange of views and feedback after the MCA’s officials participated in a series of informative and educational radio slots during the daily magazine programme Għalina Lkoll on RTK Radio.
The respective officials were present for the meeting, accompanied by their Chief and by the Coordinator for the Public Relations and Online Communications Office.

MCA’s Chairman, Dr Edward Woods, expressed gratitude towards RTK for the genuine collaboration with the Authority, redeemed in airtime used for educating the general public on MCA’s continuous work on various projects benefiting the Maltese society and the speedy digital development in our country.

RTK’s Station Manager, Karl Wright, acknowledged MCA’s efforts to reach out. In line with the Station’s mission statement, he affirmed that RTK is committed towards further collaboration with MCA to inform and educate the general public. Wright concluded that by time, listeners will surely understand better and appreciate all that MCA is doing towards the betterment of the communications sector in Malta.

View press release in Maltese 

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