Key market indicators for electronic communications and post: Q1 2016 to Q3 2020
The MCA is hereby updating its series of Data Report Sheet ('DRS') publications with a report covering the period Q1 2016 to Q3 2020. The purpose of this publication is to inform the general public on the main trends and developments in Malta concerning electronic communications and post. The report sheet lists a number of indicators for the aforementioned areas, with data presented on a quarterly basis. A separate worksheet with annual data as well as a presentation highlighting main indicators is also included.
Data cut-off date: 23rd December 2020. Data is preliminary and subject to change.
The full DRS can be accessed here. View Presentation here.
MCA Reference: MCA/R/21-4111
Market Developments DRS Q32020.xlsx
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Market Developments Q32020 Presentation.pdf
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PR Market Developments DRS Q32020.pdf
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