

Melita has appealed MCA's decision.  This decision is currently pending before the Communications Appeals Board. ...

Following the consultation document on the proposed fixed-line wholesale origination and termination rates published in June 2010, the MCA is today publishing a report on consultation and decision on these fixed wholesale interconnection rates. See also: i. Fixed Interconnection Pricing Review 2010: Consultation a...

The MCA is today publishing the response to consultation and decision [1] on the new wholesale mobile termination rates which will be applicable as from 1st September 2010. A near 30% reduction in the mobile termination rates will be applicable where mobile termination rates will be reduced from the current €0.08...

Following the extensive consultation process undertaken during 2009, the MCA has today published a Decision Notice regarding the future of spectrum in the 900 MHz and 1800 MHz band. The purpose of this document is to inform the public of the assignment process that will be adopted in respect of the 900 MHz and the ...

This response [1] to consultation and decision which follows a public consultation issued in November 2009, is mandating a series of decisions aimed at improving GO's Reference Unbundling Offer.   [2] [1] [2]

This document [1] outlines the assignment methodology that will be adopted in respect of Test and Trial Licences (MCA/10/27). This follows a public consultation process that was initiated in August 2009.   The Authority would also like to inform authorised undertakings and the general public, that the fee for the g...

This decision [1] follows the market analysis of the wholesale call termination on individual public telephone networks provided at a fixed location in Malta.   Based on the evidence available, five wholesale call termination markets have been identified, and five operators have been designated with Significant Ma...

This decision [1] provides an overview of the short to medium term Interconnection Strategy, for the local Electronic Communications sector, aimed at addressing the current level of wholesale interconnection charges.  [1] ...

The MCA published a set of guidelines [1] to assist undertakings in the implementation of Email Mobility services. These guidelines will facilitate switching between ISPs by ensuring that email services do not act as a barrier to switching. These guidelines are being published following a consultation period. [1]...

Following a comprehensive analysis of the current universal service regime, and the outcome derived from a consultation published in May 2009, this decision [1] re-establishes the individual universal service obligations and their respective designations Following a further consultation this decision has been updat...
