Radio spectrum is used to carry information wirelessly for a vast number of everyday services ranging from television and sound broadcasting, mobile phones and Radio LANs to communications systems used for the emergency services, aeronautical, land and maritime radiocommunications and, navigation. So many vital services are completely reliant on spectrum that it forms an indispensable part of all of our lives – and one that is often taken for granted. Yet in a world which demands ever increasing amounts of information, faster communications and higher definition media, it is important to be aware that useable radio spectrum is a scarce resource where rapidly growing demand exceeds supply.
This scarce resource is owned by Government and the MCA, under the Electronic Communications (Regulation) Act, Cap. 399, is responsible for effectively managing the radio frequency spectrum in Malta. It does this on behalf of the Government. Objectiveness, transparency, non-discriminatory and proportionality are key criteria in the MCA's task. They reflect the principles laid out in the European framework for electronic communications.
Spectrum Planning
Read MoreSpectrum planning is the process of establishing the spectrum management goals for the future.
Spectrum Monitoring
Read MoreThe purpose of spectrum monitoring is to support the spectrum management process in general, including frequency assignment and planning functions.
Towards 5G
Read More5G is more than just a new radio technology; it holds the promise of enabling new communications possibilities and applications. Such opportunities, of which many are still unknown, will eventually lead to a ‘hyper connected society’.
Test & Trial
Read MoreThe MCA operates a test and trial licensing scheme in support of innovative spectrum uses which aims to exploit Malta’s unique potential as a test-bed.
Radiocommunications Licensing
Read MoreEuropean legislation, i.e. the Authorisation Directive (2002/20/EC), and ITU rules, i.e. the Radio Regulations (RR) have established that a form of authorisation is required for radio transmissions.
Radio spectrum for terrestrial...
Read MoreMobile communications including wireless broadband have been playing important roles in the economic and social developments.
Satellite Services
Read MoreThe development of satellite communication has highlighted the need for managing satellite-related scarce resources, i.e. the satellite spectrum and orbit.
Spectrum for Terrestrial broad...
Read MoreIn many countries the terrestrial broadcasting platform is the primary means of delivering broadcasting services.