Key market indicators for electronic communications and post: Q1 2011 to Q3 2015

The Malta Communications Authority (MCA) is hereby publishing the latest available data on the telecommunications and postal sectors in Malta for the third quarter (Q3) of 2015.
To this effect, the MCA's press release looks into the main outcomes of the afore-mentioned sectors in Q3 2015 and the changes recorded when compared to Q3 2014. 
A Data Report Sheet (DRS) listing a number of indicators for the afore-mentioned sectors is also being made available in excel format. Data in the DRS is presented on a quarterly basis, covering the period Q1 2011 to Q3 2015.
Data cut-off date: 18th December 2015.
Data is preliminary and subject to change.
MCA Reference: MCA/R/15-2449

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